Feminist Majority Foundation
Vote for Equality, the political arm of the Feminist Majority, is recruiting community college and university students, as well as recent grads, to be Campus Organizers and Coordinators for our student voter mobilization campaign. Our goal is to deliver a massive student vote to stop the backward trend on fundamental rights and move our country forward again on gender equality, abortion access, reproductive freedom, gun control, climate change, civil rights, and LGBTQ rights, all of which are under attack by the extreme right-wing that wants to take us back to 1950 — or in some cases, even 1864. Our very democracy is at stake.
Vote for Equality will be conducting student-led campaigns in Arizona, California, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. If you’re passionate about advocating for an equitable and just future, then WE NEED YOU to help make sure students’ voices are heard at the ballot box this November!
he 2024 election could determine the direction of our country for decades. With tight races in the House, Senate, and Presidency, every vote matters. Some races could be decided by as few as a hundred votes. This November, we will be voting as if our lives depend on it!
Campus Organizers (COs) will…
- work in teams on campus through Election Day;
- educate students about their right to register and vote where they attend school rather than their home address;
- speak to classrooms, dorm meetings, student clubs and at campus events about what’s at stake in the election and the importance of the student vote;
- recruit volunteers and organize leafleting drives, chalking parties, and other visibility activities; and
- organize GOTV (Get Out the Vote) for Early Voting and through Election Day.
COs will start in September, and will be working through Election Day, for 5-15 hours per week, at $16 an hour. Applications for COs will be accepted on a rolling basis beginning in August and throughout the campaign.
Campus Coordinators (CCs) will…
- recruit, hire and guide teams of organizers working on their campus through Election Day,
- work with allies on campuses to deliver a massive student vote;
- work with the administration to encourage student voting on campus;
- train Campus Organizers and volunteers on voting requirements and regulations in the state; and
- organize events to encourage voter turnout during Early Voting and on Election Day.
CCs will start in August, and will be working through Election Day for 15-20 hours a week at $17-$20 an hour, depending on experience and size of campus. Applications for CCs will be accepted on a rolling basis beginning in June.
State Coordinators (SCs) will be responsible for recruiting and hiring Campus Coordinators and for overall campaign coordination in their state. SCs start August 1 and work through Election Day for 35-40 hours or more per week at $20-$25 an hour, depending on prior campaign experience.
The ideal applicant is passionate about feminism, women’s rights, equality, and politics; is able to work independently and as part of a team; can inspire, recruit, and coordinate volunteers, and has exceptional written, oral communication, and social media skills. Prior experience in grassroots organizing, campus activism, or student government is a plus.
If you would like to work in CA, NV, AZ, or WI, applicants should submit a cover letter describing activism and experience in leadership, resume (including GPA), and two references (including one from a professor or faculty member) to westcoast2024elections@feministmajority.org.
If you would like to work in MI, OH, PA, NC, or NY, applicants should send the same materials to madelynamos@feministmajority.org.
Vote for Equality is the political arm of the Feminist Majority. The Feminist Majority (feministmajority.org) is a national organization working for women’s equality from the streets to the legislature. The Feminist Majority is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to excellence through diversity. People of color, ethnic or religious minorities, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA individuals, and other historically marginalized people are encouraged to apply.
Paid for by Vote for Equality, the political arm of the Feminist Majority, www.feministmajority.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.