
Arena Careers

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Goodman Campaigns
Goodman Campaigns


Fort Worth, TX, USA

Starting out as a one-person freelance operation in June 2021, Goodman Campaigns grew to a coast-to-coast team working that's elected over a dozen candidates to 8 different legislative bodies & government organizations. Goodman Campaigns is the only downballot-first digital fundraising firm in the country. Our specialized email, texting, and ads program has raised over $5 million for 160+ candidates in 30 states. Our clients are running for city council to Congress to everything in between. Our commitment to writing substantive and engaging material helps our clients stay authentic to their voice while raising on average 310% ROI in their first month. We strive to be a good voice in the Democratic digital space, and we are committed to being an excellent place for young talent to grow and succeed.

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Open jobs at Goodman Campaigns
This company does not have jobs relevant to this job board at this time.
To view all their jobs, visit their website.