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Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights: Campaign Manager - Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights

Job Post

Job Post

Montana, USA
Posted on Jul 26, 2024

Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights: Campaign Manager - Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights




$10,000 / Monthly


Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights


Campaign Management






To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume to info@mtreprorights.org. Review will happen on a rolling basis and the position is open until filled. MSRR is committed to including groups historically under-represented by virtue of race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or disability, we encourage members of underrepresented groups to seek employment with MSRR.


Full Time Reports to MSRR Executive Committee

Montanans Securing Reproductive Rights (MSRR) is seeking a Campaign Manager to lead campaign efforts to qualify and pass an Amendment to secure the right to abortion. MSRR partners currently include Planned Parenthood Advocates of Montana, Planned Parenthood Action Fund (national), Forward Montana, the ACLU of Montana, the ACLU (national), the Fairness Project, and State Policy Advisors.

This race will be one of the most important and exciting ballot measures in the country this cycle, with the potential to make an enormous and lasting impact. A win on this ballot initiative means protecting freedoms from future government interference and securing rights for Montanans for generations to come.

Position Duties and Responsibilities

Signature Gathering process:

  • Prepare for weekly meetings between signature vendors and Executive Committee;

  • prepare the agendas, run the calls and ensure follow-up items are handled.

  • Regular management of the signature team to anticipate challenges and correct course as issues arise.

  • Assess volunteer signature / organizational signature capacity & support supplemental signature gathering program as necessary

  • Creates and manages the systems to ensure volunteer signatures are submitted for QC in a timely manner. Ensures the campaign has up-to-date real time assessment of overall raw and valid sigs collected.

Hiring Key Staff & Vendors:

  • Manage campaign staff & consultants, with support from General Consultant

  • In consultation with the Executive Committee, solicit proposals and manage the interview and selection process for paid media firms (digital, TV, mail) and remaining campaign staff.

  • Manage Executive Committee, Campaign Subcommittees, and coalition:

  • Managing the Executive Committee includes preparing detailed agendas for weekly meetings, managing follow up items from those meetings, and preparing EC members to

  • arrive at weekly meetings ready to make decisions and move work forward.

  • Managing Subcommittees/’working groups.’ Much of the work of the campaign happens

  • in subcommittees. The Executive Committee gets updates on the subcommittee work

  • and gives input and/or approvals, where necessary.

  • Examples: Communications Subcommittee, Fundraising Subcommittee

  • Campaign leadership team may need to create new subcommittees or ‘working groups,’ as necessary, to accomplish discrete buckets of work within the overall campaign plan.

  • Campaign Manager is the liaison between the Executive Committee and broader ‘coalition.’ Campaign Manager will work with EC and GC to determine how to strategically grow and engage the coalition.

  • Create review and feedback processes and timelines for research instruments, fundraising materials, earn media communications, social media communications, and paid ads.

Create campaign plan & campaign timeline (update regularly):

  • In consultation with the Executive Committee, consultant team, and staff, create campaign plan and update regularly. Specifically, develop voter contact, communications, and GOTV strategies in collaboration with the consultants and EC.

  • Maintain regularly updated and detailed campaign timeline. This should be a tool to keep the campaign clearly tracking all verticals and deadlines, and function as a resource for key stakeholders to understand what is happening/when at a glance.

Manage budget and cash flow:

  • Build and iterate on budget, in consultation with the Executive Committee and General Consultant

  • Managing cash flow. This includes: ensuring the campaign is on track to raise necessary funds to meet obligations, ensuring pledged funds will hit the campaign bank account in time to pay necessary bills (chasing the money), and forecasting any issues long before there is a missed bill. Campaign Manager should have eyes on this daily and come prepared to EC meetings and fundraising meetings with clarity on cash flow.

  • Fundraising support. Campaign Manager works with the Fundraising subcommittee to ensure fundraising plan on track, helps plan and lead fundraising briefings, and helps ensure materials are prepared and updated for fundraising use (donor memos, prospectus, etc).

Position Requirements

  • At least 4 years or campaign cycles of experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified

  • Comfortable with Google software

  • Collaborative spirit, a willingness and ability to work with a team to reach goals together

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

Preferred but not required

  • Montana-based candidates preferred and/or

  • Experience in a managerial role on one or more statewide campaigns

  • Experience working in/with Indigenous communities preferred

  • Experience managing campaign or organizational budgets