
Arena Careers

Finding your dream job on Arena Careers is easy. Use the search bar to narrow down hundreds of open roles with campaigns and movement organizations. For example, if you’re looking for organizing jobs, just search “Organizing.”

Michigan United
Michigan United

Michigan United is a statewide organization of community members and institutions fighting for the dignity and potential of every person. Michigan United organizes along with the following issue areas: immigrants’ rights, criminal justice reform, environmental justice, rural issues, healthcare, and civic engagement. Michigan United, along with Michigan United Action, our affiliated 501(c)(4), is serious about building long-term, political power with the aim of transforming our political and economic system into one that puts people and the planet first. Our main office is in Southwest Detroit, with additional offices in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and Flint. As a racial and economic justice organization, we actively encourage individuals who are underrepresented on the basis of race, ethnicity, income, gender identity, and sexual orientation, as well as those who share the life experiences of the members we serve, to apply.

Something looks off?
Open jobs at Michigan United

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