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Deputy Press Secretary



Washington, DC, USA
Posted on May 16, 2024

Thank you for your interest in the Progressive Talent Pipeline.

In response to some exciting late June and July events and growing interest as folks learn about the program, we’re excited to announce that we’re opening a 2nd deadline for the Progressive Talent Pipeline 2024 cohort! Apply by Sunday, August 4, 2024!

(If you’ve already applied - thanks! Applications submitted by the June 30 deadline will receive priority consideration from the PTP team)

If you would like to receive reminders about deadlines, updates about the program, and information about future application periods and cohorts, click here to be added to our list.

To submit your application, please complete the form questions on this page and upload a resumé and answers to the short-answer and essay questions listed below. (On mobile, click "Apply for Position" at the bottom of this page to access the application form).

Your answers to the essay and short-answer questions should be included after your resume in a single document (i.e. if you have a two-page resume, begin your answer to Question 1 on page 3). Once you have finalized that document, you should upload a copy of it where it says "Attach resume" in the application form.

After submitting your application, we will send you a demographic survey via email. We are collecting this information to better understand the diversity of the candidate pool at every step of the process, and to ensure our selection process is as fair and unbiased as possible. Completion of the demographic survey is required, but you can complete the survey without disclosing any information you do not wish to disclose (all questions include a "prefer not to say" option). The answers you give and your decision to disclose information or not will not impact the evaluation of your candidacy.

An answer to Question 1 is required. You are only required to answer Questions 2-5 if they are applicable to you (i.e. you are answering "yes" to the relevant question).

[1] Brief bio: Describe yourself in 50-100 words.*

[2] Do you have experience working for Congress, a federal agency, or the legislative or executive branch of a state or local government? If so, please briefly explain, including your role(s) and approximate dates. (Not required for PTP endorsement)(Suggested word limit: 100)

[3] Do you have experience interacting with Congress or state or local legislatures from an advocacy or lobbying capacity or experience in policy development? If so, please briefly explain. (Not required for PTP endorsement)(Suggested word limit: 100)

[4] Do you have campaign experience? If so, please briefly explain, including your role and approximate dates. (Not required for PTP endorsement)(Suggested word limit: 100)

[5] Is there anything else we should know about you? (optional)

Answers to all the essay questions are required. We want to hear what YOU have to say -- please do not use ChatGPT or other AI writing generators in writing your responses.

[6] Why do you want to work in Congress or a government agency, and what best qualifies you to do so? (Suggested word limit: 100-250)*

[7] If you could wave a magic wand and pass three laws or policies at the federal level, what would they be and why would you choose each of them? Please select two domestic policies and one foreign policy. (Suggested word limit: 250-400)*

[8] Which 3 nationally known elected officials (current or former members of the U.S. House or Senate, popular governors, etc.) best represent your political views? Please choose at least one who best represents your views on foreign policy.

In what ways do each of them represent your political views? In what ways don't they represent your political views? Please give us 3-5 sentences per elected official. (Suggested word limit: 250-400)*

[9] What's your assessment of the Obama administration *or* the Biden administration (choose one)? What are some things the administration did/is doing well? What do you think the administration could have been done/could be doing better? (Suggested word limit: 200-300)*


[a] You can click here to read House and Senate eligibility requirements.

[b] The majority of the opportunities to work for Congress are typically in-office roles located in Washington, DC. There are also opportunities throughout the country in Congressional District offices. Government agency opportunities may be located in the Washington, DC Metro area or around the country, depending on the role, though the majority of the policy-focused roles tend to be in the DC area. While some of these roles allow for occasional remote work, they are generally not fully remote positions.

[c] You can find more information about different staff levels and salary ranges in a table below the "Who we're looking for" header on this page.